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Rapid Response Resources Bring Peace of Mind

Today we live in an interconnected world highly dependent on a constant stream of energy. With that power comes great challenges. One of those challenge being that power supplies must be continually accessible; it is critical to resolve outages and disruptions immediately.

In fact, people’s lives and livelihoods can be, and often are, negatively impacted by a variety of unexpected events that require urgent and resourceful emergency response teams. At F.A. Wilhelm Construction (Wilhelm), if and when a construction-related problem arises, the Rapid Response team is on call 24/7 to tackle any issue, at any time.

But what is Rapid Response?

Rapid Response at Wilhelm encompasses the team and systems put in place and ready to immediately deploy to mitigate facility issues as they occur. From early assessment, to stabilizing facilities and systems, to mitigating further impacts, to repairing damage, to complete restoration and/or replacement, the goal is to set clients back on track as quickly as possible. Wilhelm’s Rapid Response is designed with flexibility in mind so that regardless of the size, range, or complexity of the impact, skilled teams are standing by for timely resolution.

Rapid Response Success Stories

Teamwork proved critical to restoring production for a global manufacturer at facilities located in Indianapolis. Unexpectedly, the client suffered a major system failure resulting in structural and utility damages. Within fifteen minutes, Wilhelm was on-site ensuring people were safe and facilities were intact as damage to the site was analyzed. From there, utilities were systemically shutdown, and with the help of pre-identified subcontractors the site was secured. Temporary work-arounds were implemented and protocols for remediation and restoration were developed. Most importantly, this prompt response had employees returned to work in a safe structure within one week. Through the identification of well-qualified demolition subcontractors Wilhelm had the entire piping system demolished within one month. The team was there for this client throughout the process, working together to provide safety, security, productivity, and normalcy to their operations.

In Rapid Response every minute is precious and having the right team in place from the beginning is necessary and essential to bringing solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner. At Wilhelm, this integral part of Rapid Response is achievable through strategic partnerships throughout the industry.

Another example of what Wilhelm can deliver occurred in 2017. After the destructive hurricane in Puerto Rico, Wilhelm systemically deployed forces for Rapid Response to a client’s need for power. The facility was located on the remote Caribbean island and the endeavor was amplified by complex coordination between the local government, humanitarian organizations, subcontractors, and Wilhelm responders.

Rapid Response is not limited to large-scale events. In fact, many interventions are behind the scenes and are resolved before public notice is required. For example, in the winter of 2018 an underground fire suppression main had become compromised and immediate attention was required. The job was completed within hours and occurred without the evacuation of employees or disruption to the business overall.

Wilhelm has created a culture that strives to complete all priority work orders within 24 hours; however, if a more urgent need arises teams can be in action within minutes. Rapid Response is based on teamwork and communication with forces dedicated to providing critical resources to mitigate downtime and restore peace of mind and productivity.


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